Winter Break… At least it was for someone…

Let me begin with a wish for a very Happy New Year for you and your family.  May 2011 bring you health, happiness, patience, peace on earth and goodwill towards everyone.

That being said, I have not been a good blogger these past couple weeks.  It’s a super-busy time of year for me generally but even crazier this year because of some new IRS regulations which made my tax season preparation even more difficult and time-consuming.  

While I was working, or reading up on new regs, my wife was taking care of the kids during the 2 weeks (was it only that short?) they were off school.   She managed to do a lot of cool stuff with them and for them, like setting up daily playdates for all 3 of them, and taking them places.  It must have been a lot of work for my wife, but the kids loved spending time with her and doing fun and exciting things on a daily basis. 

Some of the things they did, or she did, were memorable for the kids and I wanted to highlight the activities and my kids thoughts here.

For example.

The boys had a tea party.  They used Berry’s dishes she received for her 1st birthday and in attendence at this event was, Linus’ animals and Stewie’s animals, including; squeaky-bear, mousey housey, kitty, beary, Poppy, Doobie doo’s, etc.  The boys served “coffee and tea.  Chocolate cake and chocolate ice cream.”

On one day last week, Stewie was barred from his room for a day because there was a “show” going on in there, and “they” wouldn’t let him in.  The “they” were all the stuffed “friends” who were in attendence at the tea party.  Granted, Linus and Stewie spent the better part of a day practicing the show but they were not allowed in the room, it was animal only.  It was so funny that when we tried to get Stewie up to his room for a nap, he agreed, then went up only to come down again to tell us that the show was still going on and as a result, he was not allowed in his room…

The boys also went with Mummy to see Yogi Bear in 3D – they thought it was “funny, scary, weird and had yummy, yummy popcorn.  There was juice there too.”  For some reason there were 25 minutes of previews prior to this show which seems a bit excessive, no?

The boys and their Mummy Kids also went to see a play called A Year with Frog and Toad.  I asked the kids for their feedback on the show and this was what came back.  Keep in mind, I did not attend the show so I can not confirm or deny any of it.  “Toad was funny in a bathing suit.  Even frog looked funny in a bathing suit.”

This was a very special day for the boys as my wife took them downtown on the subway, and over to the threatre via street car – it was their first time on a streetcard (theirs, not hers) and they LOVED it.  After the show the boys and my wife went over to St. Lawrence market and they boys did some sightseeing and had “vanilla and chocolate gingerbread cookie men”.

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