I think it might be time for another change…

I like blogging.  It’s a good outlet for me but since I left that horrible, horrible job at the government I basically went into hiding.  I didn’t want any of my former colleagues to know anything about me.  I hated that they used my writings against me like I was in high-school.  It bugged me.  Still kind of does.

I have been using twitter lately and really enjoy it.  I started during the garbage strike in Toronto and every day I come by and tweet a thing or 2.  I like that it’s 140 letters or less because that’s about all the time I have between work, home-life and wife. 

With tweeting came some publicity of the “me” brand, not the “urbandaddy” or “speakeasy” one.  I’m able to use twitter to find work related information, blab about whatever is on my mind and do that in seconds.

So all this tweeting has given me the idea to either scrap this blog and start again, or go back through the old posts and edit out the controversial ones, go public and start again.  It’s been a year.  Those weenies at the government don’t interest or concern me anymore. 

I kind of want to be legit.

I think…

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