It’s been WAY too long! Date night!!

English: unrecognized dessert.
English: unrecognized dessert. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This very nice March evening, my wife and I stepped out of our kinder-jail for a couple of hours to see if we remember what it’s like to be adults again.  The plan was not to rush – no regular checking of our phones, no peeking at the watches, hopefully not too much yawning either.  We put the kids to bed, did not tell them we were going out, make sure the sitter was prepared and we left.


Dressed as adults.

For dinner.  Yeah, “dinner”.  LOL.  What do adults eat when they rarely get out of the house together?  Well that’s an easy one.  We went to Caffe Demitre’s, which for those of you who don’t know, is a dessert establishment known for their ice cream sundaes, waffles and crepes.

Man was it good.  And boy and I still wired!  Hence the blogging instead of, ahem, sleeping.

I didn’t get to bed until almost 2am and full of sugar, I cleaned up some of the house, did more research towards my grad school assignment (now 4 days past due – oops) and got working on my case study (due next week), but still it was worth it getting out and eating junk for dinner.

It was so much fun, I want to do it again. Going out with the wife. Not the dessert place. That place is NOT going to help my new healthier eating lifestyle.

I’m just not so sure when the next time out will be!

They grow up so quickly

Last night I asked the Happy Boy to be quiet so as to not wake up his baby brother who was sleeping in the swing. My son agreed. Then when I started talking a little loud, he said to me, “Daddy. Quiet. Don’t wake Weed”.


Then today he told his nanny to “shut up” because she was singing.

Oy Vay.

Where did the time go.

They grow up SO fast.