… and then there was one…

… one course left. Finally. I only imagined this day way back in December 2004 when I registered and was accepted to graduate school that I might be relieved to be completing my designation. Back then, we were soon to be parents and had all this “time off” coming. Fast forward 2007 and we have 2 kids, both of us are working and taking courses, and I have begun consulting with a tech company hoping to get them off the ground running… Needless to say, we have no time. I have no time… But I will. Soon.

I just completed one course, business strategy, and within days I received my final mark in a percentage. 91%. Not bed, eh? This would be right up there with my economics marks, my accounting marks (100% in financial accounting), new product development(s), organizational behaviour(s), marketing, human resources management, and hopefully soon Corporate Finance. Whew. I’m tired.

Tired, and not that smart. 🙂 You see I have an exam due December 17th. 60 questions. I’ve already done 10 of them and I still decided to take Brian Mulroney’s memoirs from the public library on a 7 day loan. I don’t read very fast and the damn thing is 1100 pages. Yes, 1100 pages, plus. Mission Impossible. 🙂

Oh, time to get back to work… So I can read… or sleep.