My children make me laugh and surprise me on a daily basis…

Everything is Terrible!
Everything is Terrible! (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Oy, kids.

They say and do enough things on a daily basis to keep me posting for a long time, but not being around them during the week except for a few hours at night, I need to save up their comments until I have enough for a decent post.  Here are a few gems, in my honest opinion.

1) Last week at Linus’ baseball, Stewie and Berry took off to the shade (it was over 40 degrees with the humidity) and were playing in a pseudo sand box with another boy. Stewie thought it was a good idea to play with the broken, upside down bike beside him, and after moving him away from that he had an even better idea;

Stewie: “Hey, let’s pick up these big sticks and make a band!”

Gives sticks to Berry and this boy. Then starts smacking his stick on the bicycle rack hoping it would sound nice.

To the unknown boy; “You are going to hit your stick on the fence while I hit this and Berry is going to hit the bike”.

Boy starts smacking the fence.

Stewie; “Stop. You’re terrible. Stop hitting the fence. you’re not in the band anymore!”

Me: “Stewie!!! You can’t say that to him – no matter if you think its true or not. It’s not nice to tell someone they are terrible”.

Stewie pauses… Thinks… Says; “Okay. You’re not terrible. You’re amazing! but you’re still no longer in the band!”


At dinner 2 nights ago when 3 exhausted kids were getting on each other’s nerves I heard Berry say this to one of her brothers; “Stop! Or I will pee on you!”.


Linus had a rough day at Chess camp this week. School ended last Friday and he really wanted to attend this camp so we signed him and his brother up for Monday and Tuesday.

Well towards the end of Monday some kid punched Linus in the eye. It was the first time he got hit like that, and as a green belt in karate he should have blocked that punch, and that boy is VERY lucky Linus didn’t strike him back.

After this event he was shaken, so we kept them home Tuesday.

I guess he wanted to play Skylanders on our Wii Tuesday and could not figure out how to get it working so he called me at work. It was the first time he had done that, and to be honest, I didn’t think he knew how to use the phone.

I answered, he was very clear, nice and polite on the phone and we walked through how to set up the Wii and during that time I was amazed at how well he was able to follow directions, read and understand the TV settings and navigate through them.

We hung up then I started to think…

How did he get my number?

So when I arrived home at night and after I gave him a monster hug, I asked him how he knew what number to reach me at, at which point in time, he walked over to his bulletin board in the family room and there was my business card.  He said he knew which number to call from there.


So smart.

I predict many calls from him going forward.  🙂